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Shortly after I wrote my last post I made some serious life changes. Back in September when I went into see Dr. K my placenta specialist, he asked me to lose one pound a week for a year.  Apparently I am more susceptible to heart disease (attacks and malfunctions) because of a) my weight – two babies in two years b) having had pre-eclampsia c) two placental abruptions and finally d) two c-sections.

Back in March I began sort of calorie counting, sort of walking, sort of taking Dr.K’s warning to heart. Shit got real in April though when I looked down at the scale to see how much I really did weigh….and how big was big enough? As the scale slowly crept upwards, I couldn’t talk myself out of what was going on and how much I weighed. It was time.

I am currently down 23lbs and walking 4.5-5k’s every single day. I put my baby in the jogging stroller we bought for Xavier, (the one I cried and cried over after he was gone with thoughts of that stroller never getting used) and I walk, or at least I did walk. Can you believe it I RUN now! Well..I run a little bit lol. I started interval training last month (run one minute, walk one minute) and this week I started stringing those intervals together!!

So why am I here writing this? Well I missed blogging, but I cant write about that shit here. I mean I just did, but only to ask you if you wanted to click on this link and maybe follow me over there now?

I kind of miss you all, and your supportive words. 🙂

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