CD 13 2DPO

This is the story of the little egg that could.

The doctors thought for SURE it was turning into a cyst. I thought for SURE they were right. That little follicle proved us all wrong. Today’s ultrasound proved that I did in fact ovulate some time between Friday and today.

Yesterday was Xavier’s 14 month anniversary. How strange and beautiful would it be if this was our cycle. My mom took me to my appointment because the boys had early morning soccer games. We discussed SPIRIT BABIESΒ while we were at breakfast after my appointment. The two of us sat and cried into our eggs. Are my spirit babies around me? Is there one about to join us? These are all beautiful thoughts that I could get lost in for the next 7-10 days ❀


8 thoughts on “CD 13 2DPO

  1. Okay, so this is good news, right? Did you have “appropriately timed” sex?!? πŸ™‚
    What were your O dates before, this is quite a bit earlier, right? And absolutely, I love that perhaps Xavier’s anniversary date will play a part in your journey to bringing home another baby. πŸ™‚

  2. LOL. Best reply EVER. πŸ™‚

    You clearly had a different prom night experience than I. My HS boyfriend decided to stay at the after party while a friend drove me home… loser. haha πŸ™‚

    And yes, I’m very hopeful you caught this egg!! It’s great that it wasn’t a cyst by any and all means, πŸ™‚

    Ps. Yes, quite a bit of anxiety. I’m still not convinced it’s still alive in there even at 17+ weeks… You would think that because I still vomit on the regular, and feel terrible and have sore boobs, it would convince me otherwise… But I think once you’ve “lost” it all before, it’s no longer unimaginable that history could repeat itself. 😦

  3. Oh good! So glad that you ovulated. Hoping, hoping, hoping that this is your month! I would love it on so many levels….one of them being it happened on Xavier’s anniversary. Anxiously waiting for your 2ww to end!

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